
The Bilerico Project tells how Clay and his partner of 20 years were treated and in the worst way possible.  Is the extent of gay hatred so bad that no laws protect us?  Is this the country that I served in the military for and forgave – for all her murderous, racist, sexist, rape of people’s souls – because she was going to be beautiful one day?

Was it because Florida got away with  preventing Lisa Pond and their children to be with her dying partner since they were a lesbian family?  Is it now a free for all on all gay people – when it comes to health care and our legal rights as a citizen in this God-forsaken country.

I’m having one of those moments where I think the only way to resolve anything is to destroy the bastards before they finish destroying us.  But then, my humanity stops me.  And then I have to apologize for thinking such vile thoughts.  There is a lesson here but I’m not sure what it is.  Read The Bilerico Project.  Maybe you can figure it out and explain it to me.

According to CNN, President Obama has asked the Department of Health and Human Services to establish a rule that would prevent hospitals from denying visitation privileges to gay and lesbian partners.  I say this: unless there are consequences to hospitals and governmental offices behaving this way, nothing will change.  Mr. President, we need to see some consequences to follow your words.  Otherwise, words are pretty but empty.

(I saw this link via Mary Anne Adams, on facebook).

I know I haven’t written in a long time or been by to visit or even checked in on you.  I said I loved you and I didn’t show it.  Well, I’m back with flowers in my hand and to apologize. *gives flowers to loyal readers*

I didn’t write on the blog because I was stuck between the hard places of my various on line identities which took away permission to write what I felt.  I’ve solved it.  SteadyCat is back!

Meanwhile, please check out this facebook fan page for D F Collier… because it’s important to me.  Thanks for all your support and for stopping by, even when I was a no show.  I still lurve you.  I hope you lurve me too.

Thank you, Rachel Maddow for doing what you do.  Ambassador to the US – Raymond Alcide Joseph speaks.  Please listen.

My question for today: When do the good Christians stop supporting the bad egg known as Pat Robertson?

I watched the author, Ms. Chimamanda Adichi speak on TED and her words were too good not to share.  After you watch this clip, fess up and tell me how it made you feel.


Just when I wasn’t going to blog about anything but my writing, I read author Nicola Griffith’s blog.  She was trembling with rage. This is such a horrific display of cruelty, it can’t be ignored.

U.S. District Judge Adalberto Jordan dismissed a lawsuit yesterday, essentially finding that the Jackson Memorial Hospital was within its rights to leave a dying woman alone while denying her present and immediate family to visit her, be updated on her condition, or even to provide the hospital with medically necessary information.  Read more at Nicola Griffith.

After you read this horrific story, (Do items on Anne Zieger’s list shown below).

•Write firm, indignant letters protesting this injustice and copy them to each and every one of the non-administrative PR staff members on the list contained under this link:

•Write a similar firm, indignant letter (though more pointed regarding their responsibility for this mess) to each of the following Jackson Health System executives:

•Eneida O. Roldan, M.D., M.P.H., M.B.A.
President and Chief Executive Officer, Jackson Health System

•Frank J. Barrett
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

•Gerard A. Kaiser, M.D.
Executive Vice President, Chief Medical Officer, and Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs

•Particularly if you’re local, and especially if you have similar stories of medical discrimination to share (leads to more coverage!) write a note to Miami Herald reporter John Dorschner, who’s been covering the health scene in Miami for 20-plus years. He’s at 

As Nicola states, we have to protect people state by state.  (I will not make any comments at this time about Federal dragging it’s feet). If you live in the state of Washington or know someone who lives there, make sure they get out and vote Approve Referendum 71 by November 3rd for Washington families.

My request :  If you are a member of a church, ask them to protest the cruel treatment of a dying woman and her family at Jackson Memorial Hospital.  Show the love I’ve heard you have.

Recently, I asked the fairies to write a post for me.  Those magical creatures had been my friends for a long time and I hadn’t asked them for any favors since I was seven.  As far as time was concerned, they owed me.  Because I’m a nice person, I didn’t want to bother them while they worked so I called up a friend and went out.

We went to the The Cambridge Theatre to see Chicago.  *coughs*  Even though our seats were in the nosebleed section, they were the best seats in the house. *coughs*   Seeing Chicago perked up my bored, can’t be bothered cells like I’d just had an injection of happy.  I saw gorgeous men and women in skimpy, tight fitting outfits doing leaps, bends and twirls while singing and dancing.  Yep. Just what the doctor ordered.  

When I got home, my contemplative fairies had not completed their task.  Because I’m kind, I left them to it and my friend and I took a  trip to Berlin. The food in Germany’s capital was delicious; the weather was warm (hot actually), and the people friendly. On my last day there, I visited the Berlin Wall.  The concrete structure is having a face/spirit lift, done by various artists, and is a reminder that no matter how bad the destruction, our spirit will still soar.

As you can see, a little bit of culture never hurts.  *even the lazy fairies agree* 

Today is my Birthday and I wanted to share something with you.   Watch as I cross my legs, light a candle and burn incense while looking pios. riiiight. (actually…I’m eating cake and about to go out for a crepe and a beer…but you get the picture. 🙂  

I’ve trekked through life, searching for a guru to explain wtf of my existence. If you’ve been reading my blog and About Me, you will have an inkling of what I’m talking about.   

I was told.  *rings bell* “Before we are born, we choose our ethnicity, our gender/sex, the country we are born etc.  We choose so we may have the experiences needed to return to The Source.”  

My response was, “What a crock.  If I had to choose, I would have been born a rich, blonde haired, blue eyed, white man.  Only an idiot would choose otherwise.”

Ladies and gentlemen, perhaps the guru was right.  I can honestly say that I would not have made the impact on my surroundings if I had been born anyone other than who I am.  

Today, I celebrate my Birthday and I am awed by my choice. Namaste. *bows*

Thanks for stopping by.  I appreciate you.

My short story, Better Than Money,  was recently published in Issue 05 of BRAND Literary Magazine .  Page 93 to be exact.  This is actually the very first time that I have been published.  My first time! I’m no longer just a writer.  I’m an author. HA!  *does happy dance*

BRAND Literary Magazine  contains stories, plays, poems and creative nonfiction.  If you want to read what the corners of my creative mind have thrown together, then you know what to do. Buy the book.  If you want to read more about the BRAND editor, take a peep here at  Nina Rapi. 

I’m an author!  I suppose I’ll have to either start a writing website or add a page on to this one.  What do you think? *does another happy dance*

Professor Chris Knight was suspended by the University of East London after his G20 comment was labeled a ‘threat’.  See Timesonline.

Years ago, when I researched the historical and cultural impact of menstruation, I met the anthropologist, Professor Chris Knight. His research is priceless and is not being produced by any other anthropologist in the world – as far as I know. As a woman, I was happy that someone was finally saying that women and menstruation is the basis for our evolution – and tells how and why.  For his valuable contribution to science, to history, to women and to the world, I offer my support. After getting to know Professor Knight personally, I also offer my support  because he is a decent, kind and good man who seeks a world of fairness for all.  In my book, that is never a bad thing. 

I have just read and signed the online petition:

“Reinstate Chris Knight “

which is hosted on the web by  I personally agree with what this petition says, and I think you might agree, too. If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and consider signing yourself.

If you are on facebook, please join this page

 Thanks for your support in reinstating Professor Chris Knight.

Thank you cyan for keeping me posted.

My sister said this to me.  “You hate men and you are always trying to force your gayness on us.  Your other two sisters think the same way about you.”

Today was the fourth of July and the date of our family reunion and I didn’t go.  My family  thinks it’s because I don’t love them enough.  Instead, I spent the day with three lesbian friends, having dinner and being accepted just as I am.  A person who wasn’t  a shadow of herself.  A person who shared aspects of her life even though it included *gasp* gay people.  A person know by many as somebody good and decent – instead of that ugly thing the church whispers in my family’s ears.

My  sister responded in this way because I informed her that our niece, Cathy had told me she was gay.  This niece is presently attending a religious school, in the closet, and is surrounded by other religious closeted people who behave in atrociously unhealthy ways, including violence.  Besides wanting to show her gay people who don’t t live as if they’re abominations, I was glad of the opportunity to share of myself with a family member. 

I told my sister I would let my niece accompany me to a few upscale places, thinking it was a good thing.  The amount of nasty  that came heaving out of her mouth surprised me.  She claimed she was only being honest.  Her words: “Cathy is lying.  She is not gay and is only saying that because she knows that you are and wants to get attention.”  This was followed by words that meant that I would apparently teach my niece to hate men and force being a lesbian on her.

To say her words hurt is an understatement.

Today was Gay Independence Day from my family.  There will be no more longing for what will never be.

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