
Thank you, Rachel Maddow for doing what you do.  Ambassador to the US – Raymond Alcide Joseph speaks.  Please listen.

My question for today: When do the good Christians stop supporting the bad egg known as Pat Robertson?

I watched the author, Ms. Chimamanda Adichi speak on TED and her words were too good not to share.  After you watch this clip, fess up and tell me how it made you feel.


Just when I wasn’t going to blog about anything but my writing, I read author Nicola Griffith’s blog.  She was trembling with rage. This is such a horrific display of cruelty, it can’t be ignored.

U.S. District Judge Adalberto Jordan dismissed a lawsuit yesterday, essentially finding that the Jackson Memorial Hospital was within its rights to leave a dying woman alone while denying her present and immediate family to visit her, be updated on her condition, or even to provide the hospital with medically necessary information.  Read more at Nicola Griffith.

After you read this horrific story, (Do items on Anne Zieger’s list shown below).

•Write firm, indignant letters protesting this injustice and copy them to each and every one of the non-administrative PR staff members on the list contained under this link:

•Write a similar firm, indignant letter (though more pointed regarding their responsibility for this mess) to each of the following Jackson Health System executives:

•Eneida O. Roldan, M.D., M.P.H., M.B.A.
President and Chief Executive Officer, Jackson Health System

•Frank J. Barrett
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

•Gerard A. Kaiser, M.D.
Executive Vice President, Chief Medical Officer, and Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs

•Particularly if you’re local, and especially if you have similar stories of medical discrimination to share (leads to more coverage!) write a note to Miami Herald reporter John Dorschner, who’s been covering the health scene in Miami for 20-plus years. He’s at 

As Nicola states, we have to protect people state by state.  (I will not make any comments at this time about Federal dragging it’s feet). If you live in the state of Washington or know someone who lives there, make sure they get out and vote Approve Referendum 71 by November 3rd for Washington families.

My request :  If you are a member of a church, ask them to protest the cruel treatment of a dying woman and her family at Jackson Memorial Hospital.  Show the love I’ve heard you have.

Some say the fight about health care in the USA is really about racism while others say it is probably not about racism, because … Clinton wasn’t treated so well either.

Tim Wise, a prominent anti-racist writer and educator writes that racism is indeed a driving force behind the outpouring of anger we’ve been seeing at the various town halls around the country (USA), in opposition to health care reform and pretty much all things Obama.   To read his three points, visit Tim Wise here.

Tim Valentine writes his comments on people saying ‘its not always about race’ when explaining the on-going behavior at town hall meetings.  He asks, ‘if it isn’t about race, then what reason would anyone have to bring or tear up a poster of Rosa Parks?  To read more, visit Tim Valentine here.


One of the women thrown out by police tells what happened.


You be the judge.  Is it racism or simply political disagreement at its finest?  Did Bill Clinton experience the same type reaction from his American public?   Is there a really good reason for Americans to not want all Americans to have health care?

My opinion:  I’m in the group that says its racism.

Today is my Birthday and I wanted to share something with you.   Watch as I cross my legs, light a candle and burn incense while looking pios. riiiight. (actually…I’m eating cake and about to go out for a crepe and a beer…but you get the picture. 🙂  

I’ve trekked through life, searching for a guru to explain wtf of my existence. If you’ve been reading my blog and About Me, you will have an inkling of what I’m talking about.   

I was told.  *rings bell* “Before we are born, we choose our ethnicity, our gender/sex, the country we are born etc.  We choose so we may have the experiences needed to return to The Source.”  

My response was, “What a crock.  If I had to choose, I would have been born a rich, blonde haired, blue eyed, white man.  Only an idiot would choose otherwise.”

Ladies and gentlemen, perhaps the guru was right.  I can honestly say that I would not have made the impact on my surroundings if I had been born anyone other than who I am.  

Today, I celebrate my Birthday and I am awed by my choice. Namaste. *bows*

Thanks for stopping by.  I appreciate you.

Professor Chris Knight was suspended by the University of East London after his G20 comment was labeled a ‘threat’.  See Timesonline.

Years ago, when I researched the historical and cultural impact of menstruation, I met the anthropologist, Professor Chris Knight. His research is priceless and is not being produced by any other anthropologist in the world – as far as I know. As a woman, I was happy that someone was finally saying that women and menstruation is the basis for our evolution – and tells how and why.  For his valuable contribution to science, to history, to women and to the world, I offer my support. After getting to know Professor Knight personally, I also offer my support  because he is a decent, kind and good man who seeks a world of fairness for all.  In my book, that is never a bad thing. 

I have just read and signed the online petition:

“Reinstate Chris Knight “

which is hosted on the web by  I personally agree with what this petition says, and I think you might agree, too. If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and consider signing yourself.

If you are on facebook, please join this page

 Thanks for your support in reinstating Professor Chris Knight.

Thank you cyan for keeping me posted.

At the time of Micheal’s TV appearance, I was his age, growing up in a small southern town and bumping against rigid racial rules about how the world should operate.  When little Michael and his brothers appeared on TV it was as if a magic wand had been waved.  Every black child I knew got an instantaneous injection of pride.  The feeling that has nothing to do with family and everything to do with being seen through a different lens.   His fame has never been only about the music.  Michael was the key that opened doors that were previously locked tight.  He is/was a history key.

Deepak Chopra has written a tribute to Michael here.

I stumbled across Unapologetic Feminist via Twitter and am glad that I did. *whispers* I didn’t see any value in Twitter before this, so I guess I’m changing my mind.  Check out the movie clip I viewed on her site.


For further information, click here.

How do you feel about the portrayal of women in TV, magazines and music?  Are you offended or do you think its no big deal?

Ok, I cheated and took a hiatus break. 🙂  I just saw a youtube video on facebook posted by (C. Towns) and had to share it.  The little boy in the video is absolutely fantastic.  I wish his thoughts would seep into the heads of the people writing song lyrics and do some house cleaning.  Without further ado, may I present Jonathan McCoy.

What do you think about what he said?  Did his age make a difference in how you received the information?


Moments ago, the California Supreme Court announced its deeply disappointing decision to uphold Proposition 8.

From The Courage Campaign

While we are pleased that the court recognized the legal marriages of the 18,000 same-sex couples married in 2008, we are saddened by the Prop 8 decision.

But we don’t have time to mourn the failure of the state court to restore marriage equality to California.

It’s time to go on offense. To be fearless in our fight for equality. Starting right now:  Go to Courage Campaign.

I’m in Atlanta right now and a rally is planned from 5:30pm to 10pm at Piedmont Park.  More protests will be happening throughout the nation.  

Thanks to Betty Couvertier for this link.

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